Entries by Phyllis


I was converted by a 14-year-old. For years, I was deeply, stubbornly entrenched in my dogma. I refused to hear pleas to just examine things from a different perspective. My […]

KOW No More

For anyone who missed my last post, I officially resigned as KOW (Keeper of the World). As I am no longer the KOW, I thought I’d update you on how […]

It’s a Fact. Or is it?

Studies have proven that eating eggs contributes to heart disease. No, wait. Eggs are good for you and it’s a fact that eating cholesterol has no effect at all on […]


It was inevitable, but still I wasn’t prepared. Yesterday, I was automatically given the senior price at the movie theater. I kept the ticket and every so often I look […]

Just Say No

It was a kinder gentler time, back in the pre-I.D. era. I was breezing along pretty well I thought. I was alone, but I was also at peace. Then my daughter […]